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Motivating Process Improvement

by Vicki Wrona, PMP We are pleased to announce a new white paper by Bill Flury. In this white paper, Motivating Process Improvement, Bill discusses different attitudes that lead to lack of motivation for process improvement and how to…
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What to Do with the Clues!

By Karen B. Smith, MBA, PMP: In my earlier Get A Clue post, I discussed that neuro-linguistic programming (NLP) is a connection between the neurological processes (“neuro”), language (“linguistic”), and behavioral patterns that…
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Elements of Portfolio Management: Developing the Compelling Business Case

by Kathy Martucci, PMP: Note: This is part 2 in a series on portfolio management. Part 1 is Projects Projects Everywhere: A Portfolio Management Approach. Part of any Portfolio Management process is the decision rendered from the Portfolio…
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The Value of Speaking Softly In Leading a Team

By Craig Covello, PMP: Perhaps you have heard the phrase, “Speak softly and carry a big stick.” Let’s explore how leaders and project managers can use this axiom to effectively lead their teams. There’s some dispute regarding…
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Get a Clue: Using Context
in Your Meeting (or Cocktail Party)

by Karen B. Smith, MBA, PMP: It has been said that it’s good to have an open mind, especially when so much richness can be gained. No, not the “richness” that comes with winning the lottery, but keeping an open mind to catch clues…
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Finding Our Stakeholders’ REAL Needs

By Vicki Wrona, PMP An important tenet in management or project management is to understand and meet your stakeholders’ needs, including your boss, customers, other management, etc. How is it best to do that? There is (or at least was)…