Listen to Me! I Have Some Good Ideas!
By Bruce Beer, PMP:
Have you ever thought of a great improvement to content, process, design, product etc., and respectfully suggested this to your manager? What was his or her response? It could well have been something like “Great idea,…

The Sponsor’s Role in a Project is Imperfectly Clear – One Man’s Humorous Journey to Understand It
By Darrell G. Stiffler, PMP:
When battling through a project, the Project Manager’s (PM’s) closest ally should be the Project Sponsor (PS). However, there is confusion when talking to different people in exactly what the responsibilities…

Try Reverse Brainstorming
by Vicki Wrona, PMP
We are all familiar with brainstorming, but its impact is often quite limited due to a number of factors discussed earlier. But have you heard of reverse brainstorming? It is a simple technique which can generate truly…